Welcome to my website. My name is Tia. I hope you enjoy your visit here.
My best friend Jess will do her best to provide you will update, responsible and pet friendly information.
She's been caring for pets for longer than she can remember and trust me there's been a bunch, including me. Jess doesn't
turn down any animal in need so when one turns up she does what she can to help, and often times takes them in until they
find new homes.
In addition to helping train your pet we hope to teach you about pet health, nutrition and more.
We're always glad to answer questions so feel free to ask.
We love seeing pictures of people and their pets, its so much fun. You can submit your pictures
by emailing them to us and we'll get them posted on the site for you.
Have fun browsing my site, and if you don't see something you'd like to see here let us know and
we'll see what we can do to get it for you.
Have a great day, and stop back often,