If you would like to contribute an article or picture to the Tia's Pet Place, please send your article or picture to
the Mailbag. I will then review your article or picture and let you if it has been chosen for publication and will also
let you know when it will be put up. You can submit your article or picture to whoever you want but I reserve the right
to use your submission in any future publications without permission from the submitter.
All submissions must be family friendly and must be your original work. Any submission containing items that are profain
will be edited or rejected. I reserve the right to edit or reject any and all submissions.
At this time there is no payment for contributing, however you will be named as the author or photographer. Please
tell me what information you would like me to include about you when you send me your submission. Your name and information
will also be included if I use your submission in the future.
Some topic ideas for articles:
Pet Health
Pet Nutrition
Product reviews
That's just to give you some ideas, this magazine will cover all types of pets and there care so just write about whatever
you know.
Please remember to include "Article Submission" or "Picture Submission" to the email subject line.